Alberto Rubin Figueiredo, Bianca Gomes Wanderley, Thiago Soares Vilas Boas, Maria Cristina dos-Santos
Ultrastructure of the Anacardium occidentale L. leaves from Amazon in Northern Brazil (In English)
Francimário dos Passos Santos, Glenda Quaresma Ramos, Eduardo Adriano Cotta, Henrique Duarte da Fonseca Filho
Chemical composition of plant waxes (In portuguese)
Glenda Quaresma Ramos, Henrique Duarte da Fonseca Filho
The effects of leaf age on the quality of DNA extracted from Parkia R.Br. (Fabaceae) occurring in the Central Amazon (In English)
Lorena Conceição Oliveira, Doriane Picanço Rodrigues, Michael John Gilbert Hopkins
Isotopic characterization of the energy autotrophic sources at Grande lake complex in Amazonian (In English)
Jesaias Ismael da Costa, Daniel Pinto Borges, Fabiane de Almeida Santos, Ana Cristina Belarmino de Oliveira
Plant species used to block the hemorrhagic activity induced by the venoms from genus Bothrops sp.: a review of the literature (In portuguese)
Thaís Pereira da Silva, Valéria Mourão de Moura, Luana Yamille Andrade de Souza, Rafael Luckwu Sousa, Rosa Helena Veras Mourão, Maria Cristina dos Santos
Evaluation of the gravimetric composition of the solid waste generated in the set Source of the municipality of Humaitá-AM (In portuguese)
Benone Otávio Souza de Oliveira, Levi Ferreira de Oliveira, Dayana Bitencourt de Moura
Ethnobotanical survey in the surroundings of Adolpho Ducke Botanical Garden, Manaus, Amazonas (In portuguese)
Rodrigo Gonçalves de Lima, Renato Barboza da Silva, Helledsen Ramos da Silva de Lima
Dengue temporal distribution in Rio de Janeiro, 1987-2015: Analysis and prediction (In portuguese)
Marilia Amável Gomes Soares, Viviane Muniz da Silva Fragoso, Frederico Alan de Oliveira Cruz
Basin of the Amazon River: Conditions of its verses waters Resolution No. 357/CONAMA / 2005 (In portuguese)
Maria do Socorro Rocha da Silva, Sebastião Atila Fonseca Miranda, Genilson Pereira Santana
Reutilization of Coffee Borage in the Obtention of Biodiesel and Activated Carbon for the Treatment of Textile Industrial Waste (In portuguese)
Lais Figueredo Xavier, Tatiane dos Santos Lisboa, Ivana Lula
The implantation of the chemical sector in the Industrial Pole of Manaus (In portuguese)
Carlos Frederico Nogueira-Silva, Valdir Veiga Junior
Chromatographic profile by TLC of oil and extracts of leaves and andiroba stem, Carapa guianensis Aubl. (In portuguese)
Andrei da Silva Alexandre, Waldireny Caldas Rocha